Title: Teaching History of Psychology
Speakers: Dr. Alexandra Rutherford & Dr. Mike Pettit
Description: In this colloquium, we will guide members of the HTC community through some of the opportunities and challenges when teaching the undergraduate History of Psychology course. We will consider in turn the questions below and discuss strategies for incorporating primary source analysis into large lecture courses geared towards Psychology students. Please consider the following questions in advance of the colloquium. We warmly invite attendees to bring their ideas, experiences, and questions to our discussion.
- Where does the History of Psychology fit in the more general psychology curriculum? What pedagogical purpose does it serve?
- What are the key perspectives, themes, and/or topics that should be covered? Whose history are we telling?
- How does one go about assessing the historical knowledge of psychology students?
Location: Zoom
Link: https://yorku.zoom.us/j/96785076790?pwd=MFljZURaWU9sSEI5NTBXL203L3M1dz09