September 13, 4-6pm (BSB 163)
Sarah Igo (Vanderbilt University), "Bodies of Data and ‘Data Bodies’: Inventing the ‘Surveillance Society’ in the 1970s"
October 4, 4-6pm (BSB 163)
Emily Martin (New York University), "Toward an Anthropology of Experimental Psychology"
November 19, 4-6pm (BSB 163)
Peter Hegarty (University of Surrey), "Latour's Graphism Thesis and the History of Psychology: A Partial Mapping of some New Territories"
November 29, 4-6pm (BSB 163)
Jill Morawski (Wesleyan University), "Silent Subjects and Lively Objects: Toward a History of Psychology's Research Participants."
BSB 163 is the large conference room on the main floor of the Behavioural Sciences Building at York University. A campus map can be found here.