Matthew Sigal
APA Style: The Publication Manual as a Foundation for Discursivity in 20th Century American Psychology
With the printing of its 6th revision, the APA Publication Manual has become a topic of hot debate among psychologists. Whether upset by stylistic changes, seemingly arbitrary alterations or non-representative example sheets, such a stir is proof that the manual plays an important role in the day-to-day operation of the discipline at large. It is the goal of my current project to understand the historical roots of the manual and to treat it as a foundation for discursivity within psychology. This would regard the manual as an evolving subject whose purpose was to create a common voice in order to allow a diverse array of practitioners to communicate. During this colloquium, I aim to give an overview of what I hope to achieve during my thesis and to discuss the major events which led up to the development of the first set of publication standards, mainly drawing upon 1928's Carisle conference and the proceedings from the National Research Council's conference for the editors and business managers of psychological and anthropological journals.
Mike Pettit's