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April 14th, 2011 at 8pm


Steven Gravett (York University)


Masters Thesis Proposal: Examining 21st Century Constructions of Sexuality through Seduction Manuals


I propose an analysis of contemporary self-help texts aimed at teaching men how to meet and seduce women. Through analytic frameworks established by Foucault and Judith Butler, I examine the constructions of sexuality crafted by pickup authors. What can we learn from these texts about sexuality in the 21st century? How do the authors use evolutionary psychology to craft and legitimate their constructions? How do these texts contribute to contemporary discourses on sexuality, and what do they tell us about the role of evolutionary psychology in shaping sexuality in the 21st century?


The paper that accompanies this presentation will be pre-circulated and should be read prior to attending the colloquium. If you wish to attend, but have not yet received a copy of the paper, please contact the Colloquium Coordinator, Jacy Young via email.


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